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Electronic Pull Tabs
Pull Tabs

Players will love the eye-catching

graphics and easy play of our

fun and rewarding Pull Tabs!


Industry leading electronic
bingo gaming device.

iBingo Tab
BigTrak Tech's iBingo Tab logo

Durable, lightweight, easy-to-use
tablets for all your players’ bingo needs!

Crazy Kite
Crazy Kite

Fast-paced, customizable on
screen bingo play with plenty of
chances to win for everyone!

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Bingo. Evolved.

Since 2007, BigTrak has been taking bingo into the future with electronic systems that make the game more exciting, fast-paced, user-friendly, profitable…and above all, FUN!

Our systems are player tested, and player approved. And our team is here to help you deliver a superior play experience to your bingo-loving audience!